The City of Jamestown boasts various boards, commissions, and committees dedicated to enhancing our community’s quality of life and fostering diversity, inclusion, and sustainability.
If you’re passionate about contributing your time and expertise to serve on one of these commissions, boards, or committees, please reach out to the Mayor’s Office at (716) 483-7600 or via email:
Please provide the below information in your email:
- First & Last Name
- Home Address
- Phone Number
- Email Address
- Boards/Commissions/Committees of Interest
- Any information or experience that would be beneficial to the Board/Commission/Committee
Please find below the list of Boards, Commissions & Committees in the City of Jamestown:
Board of Assessment Review:
The Board of Assessment Review consists of five (5) Members appointed and confirmed by the Jamestown City Council for a five (5) year term. The Board convenes once per year at the end of May.
Operating as a quasi-judicial body in accordance with Section 525 of the Real Property Tax Law, the Board of Assessment Review meets to review all petitions received from property owners who believe their property assessment is too high. During the review process, the Board evaluates the assessments and votes to determine whether they should remain unchanged or be lowered. Property owners dissatisfied with the decision have the option to seek assistance through judicial review.
Board of Electrical Examiners:
The Board of Electrical Examiners comprises five (5) Members who convene on the first Tuesday of each month. The members include two (2) Citizens, one (1) with ten years of continuous experience in the electrical contracting business employing one (1) or more Journeymen Electricians, and one (1) Electrician with ten years of continuous experience installing electrical work. These members are appointed by the Mayor of the City of Jamestown and confirmed by the Jamestown City Council for a two (2) year term. Additionally, the City of Jamestown Building Inspector, the General Manager of the Board of Public Utilities, and the Fire Chief serve ex-officio roles.
The Board of Electrical Examiners is tasked with enforcing Section 131 of the Jamestown City Code and the National Electrical Code. Its responsibilities include:
- Reviewing the qualifications of all applicants for City of Jamestown Class I and II Electrical Licenses and overseeing the testing process.
- Reviewing the performance of licensed electricians.
- Holding public hearings regarding complaints against any electrical contractor and rendering decisions.
- Making recommendations to the Jamestown City Council regarding changes needed in the Jamestown City Code.
Board of Public Utilities (BPU):
The Board of Public Utilities was established by the Jamestown City Charter in 1923 and consists of nine (9) Members who convene on two Tuesdays each month. The members include five (5) Citizen Members appointed by the Mayor of the City of Jamestown and confirmed by the Jamestown City Council for either a four (4) or a two (2) year term. Additionally, the Mayor of the City of Jamestown and the Director of Public Works serve ex-officio roles, and two (2) Members of the Jamestown City Council are appointed by the Mayor. The Mayor of the City of Jamestown serves as the President of the Board.
The Board of Public Utilities oversees the operation of various systems for the City of Jamestown, including the Electric, Water, District Heating, Solid Waste, and Sanitary Sewer Systems.
Human Rights Commission (HRC):
The Human Rights Commission (HRC) comprises twelve (12) Members appointed by the Mayor of the City of Jamestown and confirmed by the Jamestown City Council for a three (3) year term. In accordance with Article 12-D of the General Municipal Law, the Human Rights Commission:
- Fosters mutual respect and understanding among all racial, religious, and nationality groups in the community.
- Conducts studies in any field of human relationships in the community, as deemed necessary to achieve its general purposes.
- Inquires into incidents of tension and conflict among or between various racial, religious, and nationality groups and takes action to alleviate such tension and conflict.
- Conducts and recommends educational programs aimed at increasing goodwill among inhabitants of the community and opening new opportunities in all phases of community life for all inhabitants.
Jamestown Housing Authority:
The Jamestown Housing Authority consists of five (5) Members appointed by the Mayor of the City of Jamestown and confirmed by the Jamestown City Council for a five (5) year term. Additionally, two (2) Tenant Representatives from the Hi-Rise and Hotel Jamestown are chosen from among their membership. The Jamestown Housing Authority convenes on the fourth Thursday of each month.
Established by an act of the New York State Legislature under Title 38, Section 441 of the Public Housing Law, the Jamestown Housing Authority operates as a municipal housing authority. It is empowered to accomplish the purposes specified in Article 18 of the Constitution of the State of New York. The Authority oversees individuals residing in the Hi-Rise located on West Fifth Street and the Hotel Jamestown Building located on West Third Street.
Jamestown Local Development Corporation (JLDC):
The Jamestown Local Development Corporation (JLDC), established by the Jamestown City Council in April 1981, operates as a not-for-profit corporation. The Corporation convenes on a monthly basis or as needed. It comprises five (5) Citizen Members, including three (3) Representatives from the Jamestown Area Chamber of Commerce, Downtown Jamestown Development Corporation, and the Manufacturers Association of the Jamestown Area. Additionally, two (2) At-Large Representatives, appointed by the JLDC Board, represent the Labor & Business Communities respectively. Ex-officio members include the Mayor of the City of Jamestown, the Chairman of the Jamestown City Council Finance Committee, the President of the Jamestown City Council, and a member of the Jamestown City Council recommended by the Mayor.
The Jamestown Local Development Corporation (JLDC) facilitates economic growth by providing low-interest loans to both new and established companies. These loans serve as an inducement to support the public purpose of creating and maintaining jobs throughout the City of Jamestown.
Jamestown Urban Renewal Agency (JURA):
The Jamestown Urban Renewal Agency (JURA) is composed of one (1) Member appointed by the Mayor of the City of Jamestown and confirmed by the Jamestown City Council for a four (4) year term. Additionally, a Planning Commission member, also appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Jamestown City Council, serves for a four (4) year term. The Mayor of the City of Jamestown chairs the agency by virtue of office, while the Chief Fiscal Officer of the City of Jamestown and the Jamestown City Council President also serve ex-officio roles. Meetings of the Jamestown Urban Renewal Agency (JURA) are held on the second Monday of each month.
Established by the laws of the State of New York in 1966, the Jamestown Urban Renewal Agency (JURA) operates as an independent corporate governmental agency. JURA is tasked with obtaining funding for and implementing various programs and activities to address the city’s public safety and community/economic development objectives. These initiatives include housing code enforcement and rehabilitation, neighborhood preservation and improvement, as well as community planning and economic development efforts.
Parks, Recreation & Conservation Commission:
The Parks, Recreation & Conservation Commission comprises ten (10) Members appointed by the Mayor of the City of Jamestown and confirmed by the Jamestown City Council for a five (5) year term. Additionally, two (2) Jamestown City Council Members appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Jamestown City Council serve on the commission. Ex-officio members include the Mayor of the City of Jamestown by virtue of office, a representative from the Jamestown Board of Education, and a representative from the Planning Commission. Meetings of the Parks, Recreation & Conservation Commission are held on the first Tuesday of each month at 5:00 P.M.
The Parks, Recreation & Conservation Commission was established to oversee the construction, maintenance, and operation of all public parks and recreational facilities and to conserve the environment of the City of Jamestown. Its responsibilities include:
- Management and care of parks.
- Acquisition, construction, installation, and maintenance of recreational facilities and other recreational property.
- Arrangement, provision, operation, and conduct of public recreation programs.
- Care for shade trees within the City.
- Regulation of user fees.
- Providing advice to the City Council on matters pertaining to the Chadakoin River and other environmental factors.
Planning Commission:
The Planning Commission consists of seven (7) Members, comprising five (5) Citizens and two (2) City Officers appointed by the Mayor of the City of Jamestown and confirmed by the Jamestown City Council for a five (5) year term. Additionally, a City Council Liaison, recommended by the President of the Jamestown City Council, serves on the commission. Meetings of the Planning Commission are held on the third Tuesday of each month at 3:30 P.M. in the Mayor’s Conference Room. The Planning Commission derives its authority from §§ 26 through 39 of the General City Law.
The Planning Commission fulfills two primary functions: firstly, as the recommending body for long-range planning, it formulates goals and objectives for the development of a Comprehensive Plan; secondly, it serves as the approving authority for site-plan reviews in accordance with the City of Jamestown Zoning Ordinance.
Plumbing Board:
The Examining Board of Plumbers comprises five (5) Members who convene on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:30 AM in the Plumbing Inspector’s Office. The board consists of three (3) Citizens, two (2) Master Plumbers, and one (1) Journeyman Plumber, all appointed by the Mayor of the City of Jamestown and confirmed by the Jamestown City Council for a three (3) year term. Additionally, the Plumbing Inspector and the General Manager of the Board of Public Utilities serve as members by virtue of their respective offices.
The Examining Board of Plumbers is responsible for reviewing the qualifications and determining the eligibility of all applicants for City of Jamestown Master and/or Journeyman Plumber Licenses. It oversees the testing process for these applicants and, in collaboration with the Plumbing Inspector, implements the Plumbing Code to ensure that the City of Jamestown complies with both New York State and local plumbing codes.
Police Reform Strategic Implementation Committee:
Following the approval of the Police Reform & Reinvention Plan by the Jamestown City Council, the Public Safety Committee is seeking residents to apply for the Police Reform Strategic Implementation Committee. Comprising Community Members, Public Safety Committee Members, and Officers from the Police Department, this committee will play a crucial role in implementing the reforms and initiatives outlined in the Police Reform & Reinvention Plan. The Committee aims to add three (3) Members from the community to its ranks.
Property, Rehabilitation & Conservation Board of Appeals:
The Property, Rehabilitation & Conservation Board of Appeals consists of nine (9) Members appointed by the Mayor of the City of Jamestown and confirmed by the Jamestown City Council for a three (3) year term. Meetings of the Property, Rehabilitation & Conservation Board of Appeals are scheduled on an as-needed basis when an application is submitted.
In accordance with Section 215-61(C) of the Jamestown City Code, the Property, Rehabilitation & Conservation Board of Appeals is authorized to vary or modify the application of any provisions of the Property, Rehabilitation & Conservation Code when strict enforcement would result in practical difficulties or unnecessary hardship.
Strategic Planning & Partnerships Commission:
The Strategic Planning & Partnerships Commission comprises thirteen (13) Members, two (2) of whom are appointed by the Mayor of the City of Jamestown and confirmed by the Jamestown City Council for a five (5) year term. Other Members include the Mayor of the City of Jamestown by virtue of office, the Chairman of the Jamestown City Council Public Safety Committee by virtue of office, a Minority Member of the Jamestown City Council appointed by the Mayor, the Superintendent of the Jamestown Public Schools, the Chairman of the Board of Public Utilities, the President of Jamestown Community College, the Chief Executive Officer of WCA Hospital, a representative of the Jamestown Area Chamber of Commerce, the President of the Jamestown Area Labor Council, and the Chairman of the Manufacturers Association of the Jamestown Area. The Strategic Planning & Partnerships Commission meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 8:00 A.M. in the Mayor’s Conference Room.
The Strategic Planning & Partnerships Commission was established to continuously consider, develop, and make recommendations for strategic initiatives to the Jamestown City Council and other organizations within the greater Jamestown area concerning issues involving economics, quality-of-life, equity, and opportunity. Its objectives include the development and establishment of community-wide goals and objectives for the future. In formulating its recommendations, the Strategic Planning & Partnerships Commission utilizes resources such as the departments of the City of Jamestown, the Chautauqua County Industrial Development Agency, public and private housing and development organizations, private enterprise, and the Metro Six, which comprises the City of Jamestown, Town of Ellicott, Town of Busti, Village of Falconer, Village of Celoron, and Village of Lakewood.
Riverfront Management Council:
The Riverfront Management Council consists of twelve (12) Members, including three (3) Members who are current members of the Parks, Recreation & Conservation Commission, a City Council member, the Chairman of the Chautauqua Watershed Conservancy, the Chairman of the Roger Tory Peterson Institute, the Chairman of the Audubon Society, a representative from Jamestown High School, and three (3) Student representatives from Jamestown High School. Members are appointed by the Mayor of the City of Jamestown for a five (5) year term. Meetings are convened at the call of the chair.
Under the jurisdiction and control of the Parks, Recreation & Conservation Commission, the Riverfront Management Council is empowered with various duties affecting the environment, including:
- Advising the City Council on all matters concerning the reclamation, preservation, utilization, development, public access, and management of the Chadakoin River within the City of Jamestown, as well as other environmental matters.
- Maintaining communication with the public and agencies whose programs impact the quality of the environment.
Veterans Memorial Commission:
The Veterans Memorial Commission comprises nine (9) members appointed by the Mayor of the City of Jamestown and confirmed by the Jamestown City Council for a three (3) year term. Members must be residents of Chautauqua County and are nominated based on their active membership in a Chautauqua County veterans’ organization or their dedication to supporting veterans’ affairs in the City of Jamestown. Meetings are held on the fourth Monday of each month at 7:00 P.M. in the Mayor’s Conference Room.
The Veterans Memorial Commission is entrusted with overseeing the preservation, maintenance, and further development of the Veterans Memorial located on Tracy Plaza. Additionally, the Commission is responsible for the ongoing upgrade and maintenance of the Veterans Memorial multimedia program. It collaborates with the United Veterans Council to coordinate events at the Veterans Memorial on Tracy Plaza. The Commission also addresses any other matters related to the Veterans Memorial deemed appropriate by the Mayor and Jamestown City Council.
Zoning Board of Appeals:
The Zoning Board of Appeals comprises seven (7) Members appointed by the Mayor of the City of Jamestown and confirmed by the Jamestown City Council for a three (3) year term. Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month at 5:30 P.M. in the City Council Chambers.
As a quasi-judicial board, the Zoning Board of Appeals is authorized to grant variances to the Zoning Ordinance, issue Special Permits, and make interpretations of the Zoning Regulations.